As explained in the previous paragraphs, societal challenges are complex. Therefore there is a need for partners to work together within the quadruple helix of the four key societal partners in order to address these challenges, and the specific role for SSH research which has been acknowledged by the European Commission. To address these challenges ACCOMPLISSH has formulated the following objectives:
To establish a collaboration platform with partners from government, academic, private and third sectors (quadruple helix);
To deliver an innovative model of valorisation;
To analyse the potential and challenges to SSH valorisation;
To bring a unified approach to SSH research impact to European universities;
To serve as an expert platform from which SSH knowledge can be transferred;
To develop new methods of research design and communications;
To identify barriers and enablers of value chain innovation from the SSH perspective;
To provide training and tools for both SSH researchers and research users to bridge the academic/non-academic gap and interconnect;
To actively contribute to SSH research as a cross-cutting theme throughout Horizon 2020 and beyond.